I am Incredibill, and these are my tales. Tales of me; hence, Tales of the Incredibill. Pretentious? Self-indulgent? Yes, much.
What manner of tales are these, you ask? Well, they are tales that cannot truly be called incredible (no dragons or unicorns, no alien abductions or probings, no spectacular threesomes in broken-down elevators--alas, my one elevator story is depressingly chaste). No, you will find no such incredible tales recounted in these electronic entries; instead, I shall regale you with stories that are merely...Incredibill.
What makes these tales incredibill, you ask? An excellent question! Incredibill tales are true stories about me. Now, "true" is a pretty subjective word--memory has a way of clouding details, and our egos have a way of editing events in such a way as to make us feel a little less like the dipshits we probably were in any given situation. Bearing this in mind, I will attempt to present these Tales of the Incredibill with as little ego-salving editing as possible. In general, this will probably have the effect of making me appear to be, in fact, a total dipshit. If that is your judgment, dear reader, I invite you to excoriate me with your comments. I also encourage you to respond with stories of your own, even if they are more interesting than mine. You see, to me, the real enjoyment of storytelling comes from swapping stories. I give you a yarn, and you give me one in return, which reminds me of another story, and so on. This works particularly well when alcohol is involved; so pour yourself a few fingers of scotch, gather 'round the keyboard, and join me for...Tales of the Incredibill!
(Didn't get around to telling an actual story this time, did I? Never fear, I've got a doozy for my next post; a bawdy tale of debauchery that keeps almost-but-not-quite happening!)